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Keep Vava'u Green
Supporting Longterm Sustainability in Vava'u
Keep Vava’u Green works to raise awareness by utilizing the power of Social Media; collaborates with community partners in Vava’u through the exchange of information, knowledge, ideas and moral support; and fundraises to aid environmental initiatives on the ground through Vava’u environmental organizations and groups. By working together, they hope to raise our collective environmental consciousness and foster attitudes and practices that are friendly to the longterm survival, health, and sustainability of the Vava’u Islands and its people for current and future generations.
Keep Vava’u Green is based in Salt Lake City, Utah, a major Tongan community hub in the United States. Unofficially started in 2011, KVG was inspired by the prevalent environmental problems in Vava’u today, and the grassroots work of groups like VEPA (Vava’u Environmental Protection Association) amongst others. or