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Product Details
Pure Nonu Juice (3x250ml bottles)
The juice from this phenomenal fruit is grown, processed and bottled at Ene’io Beach and Botanical Gardens in Tu’anekivale, Vava'u, Tonga.
Shake the bottle well before use. and drink one tablespoon in the morning and evening. Nonu works best when taken on empty stomach. Ideally, Pure Nonu Juice should be consumed just before breakfast and just before dinner. Because Pure Nonu Juice is a powerful antioxidant you may experience more frequent and looser bowel motions and or increased flatulence. This is your body cleansing itself and is not harmful. This is the antioxident working to rid your body of unwanted toxins that interfere with normal cell function. It is recommened that initially Pure Nonu Juice is taken for a period of not less than six months and after one month the dose can be doubled if required, to two tablespoons in the morning and evening.
Pure Nonu Juice can be difficult to palate because of Nonu's inherit strong taste and odour however the dose can be added to water or juice or followed with a glass of water or juice.
Store Pure Nonu Juice in refrigerator.